Knowledge is Power, but...
Action is the Key to Your Success!

Harmony of Mind-Body-Spirit. Issue 103. September 2011.

Hello <>

It's Tony from the Aikido Health Centre, and here's your latest copy of the Harmony newsletter. I'd love to hear Your Opinion

In this issue we will discuss how unique video lessons can actually fast-track your skills, 2 videos available now - see below...

Next month, we turn the spotlight on an unknown health secret that has the power to change your life forever! Don't miss this - stay tuned!


You can develop your skills through Aikido and self defence Video lessons... if you study in the right way.

Many videos are great for entertainment purposes, but not so good as study aids. You may enjoy watching them, but what have you really gained?

To get real benefit, you need an experienced instructor who can pass on unique knowledge, and make complex info easier to understand. Of course, we can't all travel around the world to spend time studying with experts.

This is why I am developing a unique video service for everyone to have access to my Aikido and self defence skills.

I have been studying aikido and health for over 25 years and am keen to pass on my insights to as many people as possible.

I am a fully qualified senior Aikido instructor, who founded and runs the Arun Aikido Club in Bognor Regis UK, since 1992. I am also a qualified pressure point fighting instructor, SIA door supervisor, security guard, and hold certificates in several healing arts.

I have run the Aikido Health Centre website since 2002, and am dedicated to passing on the insights I have gained along the way. I've made an intense study of Aikido and found many useful principles.

There are currently 2 videos available and you can get both absolutely FREE with my Aikido Success Blueprint A massive 6 ebook + 2 video gold-mine of wisdom for Just $27

Or buy them separately...

AIKI PRINCIPLES - 51 mins - $10
Unique tips on the theory, principles and practice of Aikido. Including... one point, centre of gravity, relaxation, weight dropping, weight shifting, ki energy, intention, belief, non-resistance, circles, leading, and much more!

An insight on how to effectively protect yourself... Proven to work! Including fence, trigger points, body alarm reaction, fight/freeze/flight, heavy hand, time on target, waveform power, pressure points, and more!

You can watch them online and download an MP4 version to your computer, ipad, ipod, etc. and watch anytime you like - Aikido Videos


Get both video's absolutely FREE with my Aikido Success Blueprint
6 ebooks + 2 videos... a massive collection and gold-mine of wisdom!


My Aikido & Self Defence Video Lessons Resource Centre will offer a totally unique video service for forward thinking students, like yourself, who want access to essential info to fast-track their skills.

I will be making a complete series of Aikido video lessons that will go into great detail on many aspects of Aikido training that make techniques more effective. We'll also cover key self defence principles!

I will be adding a NEW video every month, to a secure members only area of my Aikido Health Centre site. It will give students the opportunity to get some truly unique training in the art of Aiki & Defence...

...that isn't available anywhere else!

For a small fee, you will be able to sign up to a secure, password protected area, that gives you access to a massive resource of info...

1 - A complete series of unique video lessons.

2 - Discussion forum

3 - Email consultation.

4 - And... much more!

These Aikido Video Lessons will be very different!

They will give you the opportunity to learn in a new way. A principle that you can watch, learn from, and try out at your dojo. In this way you can gain a deeper understanding and truly develop your skills.

By separating principles from techniques, it is possible to learn much faster... maximum benefit from minimum effort!

Interested? Visit... Aikido Video Lessons


You can live a healthy and vibrant life, by using the following tips daily... "You Are What You Breathe, Drink, Eat, Think, Feel and Do" Tony Wilden

1 - Breathe DEEPLY and Relax.
2 - Drink Plenty of PURE Water.
3 - Eat ORGANIC Food and Supplements.
4 - Focus on POSITIVE Thoughts.
5 - Positively EXPRESS Your Feelings.
6 - Gently STRETCH for Flexibility.
7 - List Your Life GOALS.
8 - ACT on Your Plans.

Remove stress, anxiety, and dis-ease, by completing the 8 holistic key steps. It's all explained here... Optimum Health Secrets


Visit my Aikido Health Centre website and bookmark my Aikido Health Blog page because every new page I put up is announced on there...

Check out my regular comments and become a friend on and...

I'd love to hear your important opinion on Aikido and Health related issues, tell me what you think here...

Peace & Harmony

Tony Wilden
Aikido Health Centre

P.S. Did you grab your free gifts? 100th Harmony celebration

Tony Wilden is an Aikido Instructor and qualified in several Healing Arts. He has a deep interest in spiritual matters, optimum health, environmental issues, and the creation of harmony between people and nature. Tony is on a path to wisdom, freedom and power and shares his insights on aikido, health, universal principles, ancient knowledge and master strategies.

Please Note
The information provided in the Harmony ezine is for educational purposes and not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any dis-ease. It should not replace the advice of your health advisor or doctor.

(c) September 2011 - All Rights Reserved - Aikido Health Centre
Tony Wilden - 98 Linden Road, Bognor Regis, West Sussex PO21 2BD UK

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Your Aikido skills!

Glowing Health!

Tony Wilden

Tony's Blog

Arun Aikido Club