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Harmony 257, The Meaning of Life!
August 10, 2024

Knowledge is Power, but...
Action is the Key to YOUR Success!

Harmony of Mind-Body-Spirit #257. August 2024.


It's Tony here from the Aikido Health Centre with your Harmony Ezine packed with unique tips and insights on aikido, health and well-being.

In this issue... The Meaning of Life - details below. In our next issue we turn the spotlight on Top Health Hacks... stay tuned!

What is The
Meaning of Life?

Welcome to your latest Harmony of Mind-Body-Spirit newsletter... in this issue we discuss The Meaning of Life.

Are we here on planet earth to have fun and enjoy ourselves?

Of course, but surely there is more to it than that. It is difficult to even have fun and enjoy ourselves with the issues we all face in our relationships, communities, and society in general.

Why are World leaders so poor at their jobs.

Surely world hunger could be solved if just a few billionaires would give more back to the world. I know, many of them do good work, but often this is just a tax break, and for them to appear more generous than they are.

It seems that the people in positions of influence in the world want it the way it is... some have too much and others have very little...

How are YOU doing?

Are you in a good position or really struggling?

Whatever situation you find yourself in, it is important to help and support your family and friends. It is also important to receive support in return.

Are you actively searching for more life meaning?

Are you into deep relaxation, letting go of stress, meditation, religion, eastern philosophies, spirituality, etc. Do you have a particular minister, guru, life or motivational coach... We Would Love to Hear About It!

Maybe you are into energy chakras and raising the kundalini energy up your spine. This is widely reported to give practitioners an enlightening experience. With plenty of practise, maybe you can do this too.

Maybe you are trying to Escape the Matrix and free yourself from the prison like experience we are all in. Could there be much more out there?

It has been said that the seat of your ability to imagine, is a small gland in the centre of your head between the eyes... called the Pineal Gland.

Some of the reasons that imagination is not available is because the Pineal gland has calcified and has become inactive.

What Would Cause This?

1 - Polluted air - aluminium etc. from Chemtrails, which are supposed to protect us from the Sun's rays... the source of all life!

2 - Polluted Water - fluoride etc. added to water, which is supposed to protect our bones and teeth... pure natural water is far better!

3 - Polluted Food - chemicals added to soil and sprayed on plants, to give a better crop for profits... organic food is a far better choice!

Maybe you subscribe to the idea of reincarnation, and believe that we live many lives to learn to raise ourselves beyond the material plane to the realms of pure love and spirit.

I could go on, but I'm not writing a book here. Although I have written a book on the subject... How to Experience Real Health

Have YOU found an answer to the meaning of life? Tell Us Here

That's it... next month we discuss Top Health Hacks.

" You Are What You Breathe, Drink, Eat, Think, Feel and Do "

Tony Wilden

Escape the Matrix - Health Secrets - Aikido Blueprint - Self Defence

Please Note
The information provided in the Harmony ezine is for educational purposes and not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any dis-ease. It should not replace the advice of your health advisor... Knowledge is power!

(c) August 2024 - All Rights Reserved - Aikido Health Centre
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