Knowledge is Power, but... Action is the Key to Your Success!
Harmony of Mind-Body-Spirit. Issue 98. April 2011.
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It's Tony from the Aikido Health Centre - here's your latest copy of my Harmony ezine. I'd love to hear your opinion, tell me what You think!
In this issue we will discuss how to focus on your 'One Point', which is the centre of your source of power - see below... Next month, a holistic way to achieve health and well-being - stay tuned!
Every living thing in nature has ki life force energy running through it. One of the best ways to experience health and well-being is learning how to make this powerful energy even stronger in you.
To extend your energy outwards is to use your life force in a positive way. If you become distracted from this, you stop the flow and begin to bring negative energy inwards, which makes you weaker.
If you allow your mind to dwell on negative thoughts, it can influence the chemistry of your body cells leading to ill health and dis-ease.
You can deal with this by focusing your mind on your One Point and using positive ki energy to improve your situation.
The one point can be found in your lower belly, about 1.5 inches below your belly button. It is the centre of your universe, wherever you go. By constantly focusing your attention there, you will gradually develop the ability to move from your centre. You will also be able to stay relaxed and calm in challenging or difficult situations. Aikido Master Koichi Tohei tells how he practised holding one point under very extreme conditions. He was able to avoid harm because of his awareness and sensitivity to the energy in his surrounding environment.
Of course to develop this kind of constant awareness of one point, you must practise constantly until it becomes natural. I wonder, who among us can say that they have reached this level of skill?
Many Aikido students around the world practise ki breathing techniques. Occasionally they also practise in extreme weather conditions, without fear of becoming cold. This is because they are able to focus their mind and body into the one point through breath control.
This ki energy is also known as chi, prana, vital life force, etc. Learn how to quickly develop your energy levels... Aikido Success Blueprint
One Point is your centre of gravity, that stores your life force energy. This ki energy can be increased by... 1 - Improving your health and well-being. This can be achieved in several ways, and is covered in full detail in my Optimum Health Secrets
2 - Focusing your mind power on your 'One Point' as you go about your daily life. Raise the importance of this in your daily priority list.
When should you do this?
- As you go to sleep.
- When you wake up.
- When you are tense, anxious, or stressed.
- When experiencing negative feelings.
- When uncontrolled thoughts are racing through your mind.
- And several times throughout your day!
What should you do?
Breathe deeply, let your mind and body relax downwards as you breathe out, hold a subtle feeling in your one point, imagine energy circling round and continually getting smaller into infinity, and mentally drop all of your thoughts and feelings into your one point.
What are the setbacks?
1 - Your mind will try hard to resist any changes.
But who's in control, you or your mind? Your mind is supposed to be a tool that you use, not the other way around!
2 - It will be difficult to 'remember' to do this simple practise.
Because we are creatures of habit. Many people do not live in the real world, where events happen in the present moment... now!
People tend to live in a mentally projected world, because society encourages this. It's full of thoughts which are clouded by our own preferences. This is all illusion and should be avoided, or controlled.
One Point training is an excellent method of taking control and living in the present moment. You do have the ability to do this and succeed. But, is it important enough to you?
Only you can decide!
Many people who begin this work, start by meditating on one point whilst seated in a quiet place. After a while you will develop the ability of holding your concentration and ignoring your thoughts.
Eventually this mind chatter will reduce, and you will be able to experience a new level of relaxation and calm.
Practising the martial art of Aikido, while in this state of calm, teaches you how to keep your attention on one point, while you are active.
If you relentlessly continue this training, in time you will constantly be holding one point. This is often called moving meditation.
Please let me know when you have reached this level of mastery, and I'll let you know when I have ;) Meanwhile, we should continue to practise now, and in every present moment!
If you can live your daily life with your mind and body relaxed, you will not get tired easily and be able to use your energy resources more efficiently and effectively. Relaxed, you will have more positive energy and be vigorous, tensed you will have more negative energy and be exhausted.
The human body is soft when it is born and throughout infancy. The older it becomes the more tense and stiff it gets until the end of it's life. Through relaxation the body and mind can stay young and healthy.
Laughter makes you more relaxed and anger makes you more tense. To enjoy good health and vitality, stop being angry, relax and laugh more.
To completely remove stress, anxiety, and dis-ease, there are plenty of things you can do. It's all explained here... Optimum Health Secrets
For more great Aikido and Health tips, take a good look round my Aikido Health Centre website at as I am constantly adding NEW and FREE information for you.
I suggest you bookmark my Aikido Health Blog page because every new page I put up is announced on there. Also, I regularly add comments on a variety of topics... You can also check out my regular comments on social media websites, like Facebook and Twitter. Just visit... and... - become a friend and sign up!
I'd love to have some feedback and hear your important opinion on Aikido and Health related issues. So drop me a line and tell me what you think...
Peace & Harmony
Tony Wilden Aikido Health Centre P.S. Grab your copy of my Aikido Success Blueprint and Optimum Health Secrets Collections before I come to my senses and charge what they are truly worth! Tony's Ebooks
P.P.S. Subscribing to the Harmony newsletter gives you access to all of the back issues since 2002... a massive resource!
Tony Wilden is an Aikido Instructor and qualified in several Healing Arts. He has a deep interest in spiritual matters, optimum health, environmental issues, and the creation of harmony between people and nature. Tony is on a path to wisdom, freedom and power and shares his insights on aikido, health, universal principles, ancient knowledge and master strategies.
Please Note The information provided in the Harmony ezine is for educational purposes and not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any dis-ease. It should not replace the advice of your health advisor or doctor. (c) April 2011 - All Rights Reserved - Aikido Health Centre Tony Wilden - 98 Linden Road, Bognor Regis, West Sussex PO21 2BD UK