Harmony of Mind/Body/Spirit - Issue 15 - May 2004
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Welcome back to CURRENT and Welcome to NEW subscribers. We trust the Ezine "harmony of mind/body/spirit" and the developing website are and will be of benefit to YOU on your individual path to Wisdom, Power and Freedom.
You can build your foundation of knowledge, Develop your individual plan and take Massive ACTION towards your Dreams, Desires and Life Goals. A Simple Plan takes you from where you are to where You Want to be. Act on this plan DAILY and it will re-act on You.
This month we continue with part 3 of the "The Divine Spirit Series"... where we will be looking at many Ways to heal the life Spirit, spotlighting different levels of being and giving practical tips along the road to Mastery of Self. Filled with Simple, easy-to-apply Principles to develop Health, Inner Wisdom, Power and Freedom ! The feature is on "Spiritual Healing" The Link to BACK ISSUES of "harmony of mind/body/spirit" - "The Secret 5 Series" - "The Peaceful Warrior Series" and "The Divine Spirit Series" can be found at the end of this Ezine.
Stay Tuned for next month's Feature Article entitled - "The Easy Way" - an examination of some of the practical Universal and Spiritual Principles that lead to Abundant Health.
Peace and Harmony
Harmony of Mind/Body/Spirit
The ezine "harmony of mind/body/spirit" is a KEY to your SUCCESS. Ancient knowledge and 21st century Master strategies to guide you to experience incredible levels of Energy, Health and Inner Peace.
You will learn how to tap into your INNER POWERS, balance your life energy and unlock your Full Potential. Knowledge is Power and we aim to give you essential information on what it really means to be Healthy !
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Harmony of Mind/Body/Spirit
"The Divine Spirit Series" - Practical hands-on tips for adventurous people on a Journey of Discovery. The KEY to your life lies within YOU and unlocks the door to an Amazing Inner World. Full of Valuable Knowledge and Insights to Motivate and Inspire. Feature Articles include : World Religions, Spiritual Leaders, Spiritual Healing, The Easy Way, Universal Energy, and a Summary of the Divine Spirit Series. You can learn HOW to tune Your awareness to develop extra Energy and Vitality. FUTURE SUBJECTS
"The Natural Environment Series" ... the future of Humanity.
"The Secrets of Success Series" ... abundant Health and Wealth.
"The Health and Harmony Series" ... tune in for Peace and Calm.
"The Universe is change; life is what thinking makes of it" Marcus Aurelius (121-180) "Blessed are the merciful; for they shall obtain mercy" The Bible "Things do not change; we change" Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862) "Compassion and love are not mere luxuries. As the source of both inner and external peace, they are fundamental to the continued survival of our species" Dalai Lama (1935- ) "For extreme illnesses extreme remedies are most fitting" Hippocrates (460-357 BC)
If our minds are upset, the natural functions of our bodies also become disturbed. When the mind is CALM, the body is relaxed, spontaneous, free and easy. A PURE MIND controls the body and a Mastery of the body leads to a pure mind. Do YOU have Stress and Tension in Your Life ?
You can learn Easy-To-Apply techniques that put You back in Control of your life. Create a positive attitude while you work on your computer. Yes this breakthrough new program works in the background to make lasting, POSITIVE CHANGES. For more information visit the N0 1 Self-Help website on the Planet and
Think Right Now
Harmony of Mind/Body/Spirit
In the past, most people used to let their doctors decide how they should be healed. Today, we have a lot more choice as our attitudes have changed. Many people have decided to take responsibility for their own health and well-being using a positive attitude which leads them to an individual path to health.
We are the creators of our lives and by taking responsibility for our actions, and learning from our experiences we earn Wisdom, Power and Freedom. We can accelerate our growth by practising spiritual exercises on a daily basis and Action and discipline are the Keys to our Success. A crisis is an opportunity in disguise and no matter what life throws at us there is a Way to roll with that energy. This means that illness and dis-ease are obstacles and stepping stones to healing and enlightenment. We can look for the Silver lining in our clouds and maybe there is some reason for what happens, what is the Spiritual Lesson to be learned ? Only Love can find a way to open the heart and reach out to circles beyond the one's where we currently reside. Everything on this planet (including us), is made up of particles of energy. This energy is the Vibratory Life Force of the whole Universe. As people, we are all linked together, to our environment and to the universe, so it is very important to keep the Harmony of the system.
GOD is in the HEARTS of all BEINGS ... all CELLS in the DIVINE UNIVERSE.
Spiritual healing involves an inner power which encourages the body to heal itself. Most healers agree that there is nothing mystical or magical about the process, rather it is a gift that allows them to transfer excess healing energy to others. A healer treats the whole person, rather than the symptoms or dis-eases, removing any blockages of energy and promoting a feeling of well-being. It is important to choose a method or healer that feels right for You. Always check the skill of a healer by looking for testimonials and referrals or simply ask your Health Advisor or General Practitioner for referral to a registered spiritual healer, after all ... Knowledge is Power. Experiencing spiritual healing, using knowledge and self-discipline or visiting a spiritual healer will flood all levels of our being with a Love Energy that can make us whole again. This energy vibrates at different speeds, creating many different manifestations in all planes of existence ..... physical, emotional, mental, memory, and spirit.
For more information and resources on HOW to achieve Abundant Vibrant Health please visit
Harmony of Mind/Body/Spirit
There has been a tendency in the Western World for spiritual healing to be closely associated with Religions and cults who all claim that their particular methods are the result of a set of metaphysical beliefs. This is not always the case as their are many healers who are just overflowing with energy and are compelled to pass it on for the ultimate benefit of the community.
True spiritual healing is where the healer becomes an instrument or channel, through which flows the vibrational energy of the Universe. Once this energy has been transferred to the patient, it sets up vibrations of such intensity and strength, that it invigourates the mind/body/spirit, restoring them to a normal, natural condition. The nearer we are in consciousness to the source of all energy, the greater will be our ability to heal ourself and others.
What is the KEY to Spiritual Healing ? ....... LOVE ! Can we gain love energy, which has the power to give spiritual healing and liberation in this lifetime ? YES ... but we must dedicate some time to DAILY spiritual exercises in order to build up spiritual stamina. Contemplation of the secret worlds is the Answer and the search is within. If we put our spiritual life before our physical life then we will have a key to unlock the door to spirit, which opens inwards. The spiritual life is an active life where we can become the knower by Doing and giving to life so that life may give back.
Spirit shows up in goodness, fair play, a ready ear, tranquility and calm, and a growing love for All of life. A more detached inner life means that if our plans don't work out as we think they should, life won't crush us.
There are many inspirational spiritual healers and it always comes down to individual choice of which path to choose. The best way to decide on Your path is to ask Yourself " What am I drawn to" ? There your answers will be found !
You can FOCUS your life force energy, gain Vitality and Power to Revitalise your body, mind and spirit. For more revealing information and resources on HOW to gain Abundant Energy ... visit
Spiritual Healing
Harmony of Mind/Body/Spirit
We cannot hope to attain vibrant health without looking at the principles and laws of nature. Using these natural laws helps us to restore and maintain real health. There are many subtle forms of power and energy available to us and they are priceless, in fact many are Free of charge, and available to us almost anytime ... anywhere. We sometimes forget that the most natural things in the World are powerful sources of energy. Using these simple and practical methods daily will improve our energy and vitality to restore and maintain health. The Natural Laws of the body can be summed up as ... Right Living and Right Thinking. If we make a study of the laws of nature we will find the following elements readily available to us and packed with vibrant energy for our use :
AIR - We can boost our health by changing our breathing habits. The body and mind require large ammounts of Oxygen in order to perform at their optimum level. If we Focus on Deep Breathing for as little as 10 minutes, morning and evening, we can experience an abundance of energy. Deep breathing techniques performed in an outdoor environment, away from the noise and pollution of "civilisation" will increase our Lifeforce Energy.
PURE WATER - It is essential to flush out the toxins and waste materials from our bodies in order to change our level of health and we cannot hope to achieve this by drinking contaminated water. There are many ways of purifying our water (tap, bottled, filtered etc.) but the best is Distillation as this is the method found in nature. Whatever path we choose, it is essential to drink plenty of water to purify the body. ORGANIC NUTRITION - If we dont put the best nutrients in then our chance of achieving real health is diminished. Organic fruits and vegetables gradually introduced to your diet aids the purification of the bloodstream for amazing benefits. It is difficult to absorb nutrients unless we get them in the right quantity and right combination, so a Top multivitamin/mineral supplement can be introduced to your diet. One of the best ways of ensuring we absorb our nutrients is to chew our food thoroughly. EXERCISE - Unless we exercise regularly we will restrict the flexibility of the body and the circulation. This reduces our ability to be vibrant and makes us sluggish. There are many good exercises available to us, but the best are those methods that we can perform almost anywhere at any time. Good forms of exercise systems that improve the health include : walking, running, swimming, yoga, chi kung, tai chi, aikido and many other martial arts, sports etc. SLEEP AND RELAXATION - If we are unable to truly relax then we reduce the body's ability to regenerate while we sleep. How do you greet your day - vibrant and optimistic (good morning god) ? or - sluggish and pessimistic (good god morning) ? One of the most simple and best ways to really relax is to breathe deeply and "Just Let Go" of your baggage and problems, just for a while. A good way of approaching sleep is to gradually wind down : soft music, bathing, deep breathing and drop the worries. Do this for a while and you will feel rejuvenated in the morning. THOUGHTS - It is difficult to control our thoughts as they race around our minds, but we are what we think ! Whatever our minds focus on gives it power, and the more we visit a mindset the more power it develops until it becomes a habit and a reality. It is essential to focus our thoughts on positive energy ideas rather than negative energy ideas. One way of achieving this is to fill your environment with fresh air, subtle colour, soft music, inspirational books, aromatherapy oils, crystals and semi-precious stones etc. If you experience negative thoughts, don't focus, just let them go, by focusing on positive thoughts.
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Harmony of Mind/Body/Spirit
Hippocrates, who is thought to be the founder of modern medicine, believed that Nature was at the root of illness and disease. His belief started a search for causes and cures and the idea of conventional medicine was born. We have discovered new ways to prevent, treat, and cure many kinds of illness which has lengthened the expected lifespan of the population.
In order to be truly healed when visiting a spiritual healer it is essential to present ourselves in the best possible health and herbs can play a large part in the purification process. Herbal remedies have been used in healing since the dawn of Humankind and many cultures believe that dis-ease is caused by an imbalance of energy in the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. Herbs are known to be able to correct these imbalances and can boost the energy ... this leads to good health.
Using natural and organic herbs as a tea can make a massive difference to your health. The following is a brief overview of popular herbal remedies :
Camomile - Used as a general tonic, to calm the nerves and can improve the health of the bladder, kidneys, and spleen.
Comfrey - Used for chest complaints such as coughs, catarrh, asthma and for bruises, swelling and sprains.
Dandelion - Used as a blood purifier for anaemia, fever, skin diseases and improves the health of the kidneys, liver, pancreas and spleen.
Elder - Used as a tonic and a blood purifier for inflammation, colds, influenza, rheumatism, skin diseases, and improves the liver and kidneys.
Ginseng - Used for rejuvenation, it promotes appetite and good digestion and it aids the health of the stomach.
Nettle - Used as a blood purifier and helps colds, fevers, backache, rheumatism, neuralgia, dandruff, hair tonic and boosts the health of the bladder and kidneys.
Peppermint - Used as a blood purifier for chills, fever, digestive complaints, headache, and helps the heart and circulation.
Rosehips - Excellent source of vitamin C and helps coughs, colds, fever and influenza.
If YOU are lacking in Energy and Vitality, then you need to Purify your blood and one of the BEST ways is through the use of simple, natural, fresh, organic herbs that have been used for thousands of years. For more information and resources ... visit
Mountain Rose Herbs
Harmony of Mind/Body/Spirit
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Harmony of Mind/Body/Spirit
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Herbal Remedies
Harmony of Mind/Body/Spirit
Stay tuned for part four of the "The Divine Spirit Series" which feature's an examination of "The Easy Way". Methods and Ideas that are found in many great religious, cultural and spiritual traditions. Simple practical, natural, universal principles. Filled with easy-to-apply Tips to develop Knowledge, Wisdom, and Freedom ... stay tuned !
Do YOU have Comments ? Any Ideas ? Positive or Negative Feedback ? I'd love to hear from You <> What is Your Greatest Wish ? Please reply to this e-zine and tell me what YOU think !
Peace and Harmony
Tony Wilden - Aikido Instructor/Healer
Founder of The Arun Aikido Club
"harmony of mind/body/spirit"
Tony Wilden is an Aikido Instructor and is qualified in several Healing Arts. He has a deep interest in spiritual matters, health and environmental issues and the creation of harmony between people and nature. He is on a path to wisdom, freedom and power and shares his insights on ancient knowledge and 21st century master strategies. Harmony of Mind/Body/Spirit
Please Note
The information provided in The Ezine - Harmony of Mind/Body/Spirit - is for educational purposes and not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any dis-ease. It should not replace the advice of your health advisor or GP. Please remember - knowledge puts you in control of your life. Slow positive changes are best for maximum benefit to your health.
All rights reserved - May 2004 - Tony Wilden