Action is the Key to Your Success

Harmony of Mind-Body-Spirit. Issue 29. July 2005.

Hello <>

We hope You are in Good Health and having a Successful day. Here is the 29th issue of 'Harmony of Mind-Body-Spirit' from

We continue with part Five of our Health & Harmony Series - the Feature Article is titled 'Organic Food & Supplements'. Power-Packed Nutrients for good health and vitality... see below.

Read on for our Inspirational Quotes from the Masters and Philosophers and... the Back Issues & Unsubscribe links are at the end of the Ezine. Next month's feature article is titled 'Summary of the Health & Harmony Series'... stay tuned.

Do You have Comments, Ideas, Positive or Negative Feedback ? I'd love to hear from You <> - Tell me what YOU think.

Peace and Harmony



Build Your foundation of knowledge, develop YOUR PLAN and take Massive ACTION towards your dreams, desires and life goals. A simple plan takes you from where you are to where You Want to Be. Act on this plan DAILY... and it will re-act on You.

harmony of mind-body-spirit


'Harmony of mind-body-spirit' is a KEY to Your Success. Ancient Wisdom and 21st Century Master Strategies can guide You to experience Incredible levels of Energy and Inner Peace.

Learn how to tap into your INNER POWERS, balance your life energy and unlock your Full Potential. Knowledge is Power and we aim to give you the essential ingredients for abundant Health and vibrant Energy. Visitors can Subscribe FREE at

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"The great end of life is not knowledge, but action."
T. H. Huxley

"Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful we must carry it with us or we find it not."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

"One does not need buildings, money, power or status to practice the art of peace. Heaven is right where you are standing, and that is the place to train."
Morihei Ueshiba

"The foundation of all spiritual practice is love."
Dalai Lama

"Create each day anew by clothing yourself with heaven and earth, bathing yourself with wisdom and love, and placing yourself in the heart of mother nature."
Morihei Ueshiba

harmony of mind-body-spirit


An excellent way to 'experience' harmony and balance is to practise the Martial Art of Aikido. This is an Art of Peace that develops in us an acute awareness of our surrounding environment, the ability to be calm, focused, relaxed and centred.

Aikido is the way of harmony with universal energy. It was founded by Master MORIHEI UESHIBA, who gained the skill to control many attackers at will. He was also regarded as the most spiritual person in Japan and spent much of his later years in study, prayer and contemplation.

Morihei was unique in his ability to express his understanding of Universal Principles in practical demonstrations, that defy normal definitions of reality. Millions of practitioners around the World experience the Positive Benefits of regular training in Aikido


Here we feature a series of Local and World Community News that may be of interest to our subscribers...

From the Soil Association Website...

For over fifty years the Soil Association has been busy working with communities across the UK to help local people get better access to local food.

"If fresh food is necessary to health in man and beast, then that food must be provided not only from our own soil but as near as possible to the sources of consumption"

Lady Eve Balfour, founder of the Soil Association, 1943

In the wake of recent food scares, BSE and the devastating foot and mouth outbreak, more and more questions are being asked about the future of British agriculture.

Today the need for a sustainable future for farming is greater than ever.

The impact of industrial farming on the environment and animal welfare, on landscapes and wildlife, on food quality and safety, and on the cultural fabric of the nation is all too apparent. Increasingly people are switching to organic food and the concept of local food is increasingly popular.

What can I do?

1. When you next go shopping why not visit your local shops, and seek out local and regional specialities. With a healthily growing local food sector, there are now more opportunities to buy fresh locally grown organic produce. We can all play our part in supporting local organic food by voting with our shopping basket.

Have a regular vegetable and/or fruit box delivered straight to your door, Shop at your nearest farmers’ market. Visit your local farmer’s shop or independent retailer.

harmony of mind-body-spirit

If your mind is upset, the natural functions of your body also become disturbed. When the mind is calm, the body is relaxed, spontaneous, free and easy. A PURE MIND controls the body and a Mastery of the body leads to a pure mind.

These Simple and Efficient tools can help you create a Positive Mental Attitude. This breakthrough program works in the background to make lasting, Positive Changes in Your life... Think Right Now

harmony of mind-body-spirit


Today after a brief detour into science and inorganic medicines, humankind is once again being directed to the proper use of nature's products to restore to abundant health a dis-ease ridden world.

It is necessary to recognise the ill-effects of refining, processing, overcooking and the convenience packaging of many of our foods today.

Our standard of life - how we act and think is directly related to the quality of our food and nutrition. If we choose to eat junk-food then our standard of living and thinking will drop.

Our bodies consist of the food, water and air we consume and a healthy body can only be built with high quality nutrition that is pollutant-free.

The main reason most people are tired is because the foods they choose to eat cannot be digested and absorbed properly and instead become waste matter, turn to toxins and poisons causing lack of energy.

What we eat is directly related to how we think, feel and act and the balance of nutrients is most important in preventing the development of dis-eases, some of which are life threatening.

The UK Government Organic Action Plan is to double the proportion of UK organically grown food from 35% to 70% of the total UK retail market by the year 2010.

" It has been estimated that eating at least 5 portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables a day could reduce the risk of death from chronic diseases such as heart disease, stroke, and cancer by up to 20% "

Department of Health, UK.

Food provides energy and essential nutrients for the body: carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, trace elements, and vitamins. A diet consisting of essential nerve-building vitamins, blood building minerals, gland-stimulating protein, hormone-nourishing unsaturated fatty acids provide material for bodily functions and the energy for movement and activity.

All the cells of the body are constantly changing - they grow, live then die. The changeover of cells within the body gives us the ability to re-generate healthy tissues, by changing our living and eating habits.

Raw fruit and vegetables give us more vital energy than cooked, processed dead foods. Fruit is a natural cleanser and vegetables build and revitalise the body.

" Healthy soil, healthy plants, healthy people "

Lady Eve Balfour, founder of The Soil Association, 1946.

One of the secrets to recharging our energy is to gradually introduce raw Organic fruit and vegetables to the diet. Organic foods are a pure, natural source of nutrients and full of essential goodness, that we all need now and in the future for total health, well-being and longevity.

We highly recommend that all food be organically grown, combined with quality supplements to ensure we absorb more of the 90 essential nutrients the body needs on a daily basis. We must put the pure organic nutrients in or bear the consequences.

Enzymes offer a key to longevity as they aid in the digestion and absorbtion of food. Sun ripened raw fruits and vegetables, raw nuts and seeds, sprouted seeds, dried herbs will all give us more energy and vitality.

For more info on essential nutrients visit... Organic Health & Beauty

harmony of mind-body-spirit


The foods we eat can give us the energy for optimum health, if it is of the right quality. Healthy eating is a key to well-being and we can boost our vitality by using Organic food.

Natural organic foods are free from chemicals and help to purify the cells of the body. All organic foods and products grown or made in the UK must carry a 'Soil Association' certificate.

We can avoid consuming chemical cocktails that effect us, our families and our environment, by choosing organic foods, fruits and vegetables. Yes it is more expensive, but in reality organic food should be part of a healthy lifestyle and not seen as a luxury. Eating non-organic food will be much more costly in the long run for our health.

Organic foods have up to 26% more dry matter and less water than non-organic foods that are sprayed with pesticides and grown with chemical fertiliser. Organic food also has between 50-100% higher mineral levels.

Fresh organic fruits and vegetables, seeds and nuts sprouted seeds, and herbs are full of beneficial nutrients, still packed full of vital energy from the earth and sun. For more Info try 21st Century Organics

harmony of mind-body-spirit


Today's farmers grow bumper crops of produce, their use of chemicals, pesticides and insecticides merely improves the appearance and increases the size of their yield. An abundant harvest fails to compensate for nutrient depleted soil.

Years of farming the same land has slowly drained the soil of essential minerals. Never before has the human race been so well fed, yet nutrient starved.

You are concerned about your family's health and try to help them eat the correct foods, by preparing nutritious meals, but good nutrition does not end with a healthy meal. Your family has a variety of nutritional needs, and they are unlikely to all be met.

Researchers have discovered that trace and essential minerals are needed to properly maintain our health and are a critical requirement for life. Dr, Linus Pauling, winner of 2 Nobel Prizes stated :

"You can trace every sickness, every disease, and every ailment to a mineral deficiency"

True life insurance and assurance is to provide the body with the 90 nutrients it needs on a daily basis in order to function properly. We cannot be sure to get these nutrients through the foods that we eat so must take responsibility for our own health and well-being.

Some of the methods used to boost and increase the intake of essential nutrients are:

Multi-vitamin/mineral supplements, Juicing to consume more fruit and veg, sprouting seeds for protein enzymes, water and air purification, regular exercise, good sleep, deep breathing and relaxation etc.

The personal care industry still does not understand that many man-made chemicals are not compatible with the human body's composition. Science and nature should work together as tomorrow's well-being is rooted in todays thoughtful preparation.

All of us deserve to live in a safer, healthier environment and enjoy a lifestyle better than the current 'norm'.

For information on benefical and safe products... Organic Health

harmony of mind-body-spirit


WHAT can we personally DO to live a healthy, vibrant and happy life ?

The best way to decide on Your path is to ask Yourself...

"What am I drawn to" ? there Your answers will be found.

The easy way is to remove from our lives all negative energy and focus on filling our lives with Positive Energy. The following 'Secrets', if applied daily, will help us to make Powerful, Lasting CHANGES to our health.

We are what we breathe, drink, eat, think, feel and do !

1) Breathe DEEPLY and Relax.

2) Drink plenty of PURE Water.

3) Eat ORGANIC Food and Supplements.

4) Focus on POSITIVE thoughts.

5) Positively Express YOUR Feelings.

6) Gently STRETCH for flexibilty.

7) Mentally and physically RELAX.

8) List your Life GOALS.

9) ACT on Your Plans.

500 Years of Natural Health Secrets

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Come back next month and review the simple tools and techniques to achieve total relaxation and a deep inner calm. Fine-tune Your awareness to develop Energy and Vitality that leads to Real Health.

'Summary of The Health & Harmony Series' Developing Vitality, Relax and clear Your Mind, The Way of Harmony, Pure Air & Water, Organic Food & Supplements.


Stay Tuned... for simple and efficient ideas and tools to increase your power and potential for success. The Key to your life lies within YOU and unlocks the door to an Amazing Inner World. You can Fine-tune Your awareness, developing Energy and Vitality to focus power on your goals. This allows you to multiply your concentration and ability to succeed.

Living & Raw Foods

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Do YOU have Comments, Ideas, Positive or Negative Feedback ? What is Your Greatest Wish ? We'd love to hear from You <> as Your opinion is important to us, so please reply to this e-zine and tell us what YOU think...

Peace & Harmony

Tony Wilden - Aikido Instructor/Healer
'Harmony of Mind-Body-Spirit'
Founded Arun Aikido Club 1992

Tony Wilden is an Aikido Instructor and qualified in several Healing Arts. He has a deep interest in spiritual matters, health and environmental issues, and the creation of harmony between people and nature. Tony is on a path to wisdom, freedom and power and shares his insights on aikido, health, ancient knowledge and master strategies.

harmony of mind-body-spirit


The information provided in Harmony of Mind-Body-Spirit is for educational purposes and not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any dis-ease. It should not replace the advice of your health advisor or GP. Remember, knowledge puts you in control of your life and slow positive changes are best for maximum benefit to your health.

All rights reserved - July 2005 - Tony Wilden

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