Action is the Key to Your Success

Harmony of Mind-Body-Spirit. Issue 68. October 2008.

Hello <>

I hope You are well and having a successful day... here is Your latest Harmony Newsletter from Tony at the Aikido Health Centre.

Your Unique Journey continues with 'How to Choose Your Aikido Instructor' This is a very important decision to take - see below...

Read on... for our Words of Wisdom, World Community News, and Feature Article. The back issues & unsubscribe links are at the end of the Ezine.

Next month 'Focus Your Mind On Aikido Training' including some of the best tips and tools to achieve fast results - Stay Tuned!

Peace and Harmony


P.S. A fantastic NEW OFFER... You Really Don't Want To Miss This One!...


If You want practical, to-the-point and easy-to-apply information on How to achieve real health and harmony in Your life... then this is for You.

The NEW Optimum Health Secrets exe Ebook is a Direct Path to true Mastery of your health. It is clearly written, easy to understand, and gives You step by step instructions on how to quickly boost Your energy levels.

PLUS! You get 3 FREE Harmony Ebook Bonuses... Yes, all of our Ezine back issues since 2002, that's nine complete Power-Packed series, an absolute Gold-Mine of Knowledge on Aikido, Health & Harmony.

Including beautiful, inspiring music and graphics to aid your reading and listening pleasure. You can sit back, relax, read, and listen Hands Free. Take a look at this amazing offer Right Now... Optimum Health Secrets


" Re-examine all you have been told - Dismiss what insults your Soul. "
Walt Whitman

" There is only one time that is important - NOW! It is the most important time because it is the only time that we have any power. "
Leo Tolstoy

" Live your beliefs and you can turn the world around. "
Henry David Thoreau

" The thing always happens that you really believe in;
and the belief in a thing makes it happen.
Frank Lloyd Wright

" If you take too long in deciding what to do with your life,
you'll find you've done it.
George Bernard Shaw

Harmony of Mind-Body-Spirit at the Aikido Health Centre


Here we feature a series of Local and World Community News
that may be of interest to our subscribers...

THE SHIFT is not only a movie-in-progress and a web sensation… it is much, much more than that!

THE SHIFT is a transcending movement that stems from an uncompromising longing for cultural reform all across the globe… it can be felt as a fundamental desire throughout humanity for peace, social justice and sustainability… and it is manifesting through a swell of activity at the most grass-roots levels of our society!

The first of the 7 simple ways you can get involved with THE SHIFT is to share this trailer with as many of your friends, colleagues and family members as is humanly possible!

You can either forward this email to everyone you know and say “hey, check out the following trailer…this is awesome” OR simply cut and paste the link and craft your own message! You may be wondering: how is sharing the trailer “participating”? Well, let me tell you a little story:

About 10 months ago, THE SHIFT was accidentally released on the internet. With NO marketing and NO effort from our part, the message has reached millions of people from all over the globe and continues to evoke powerful reactions from individuals and organizations clamoring for change.

Spreading awareness of THE SHIFT is participating, and our intention is to perpetuate this grass-roots movement with the help of people who understand it, people who get it… meaning you!

Sending this crucial project to one person can mean so much… but sending it to dozens can bring about THE SHIFT even faster. So, please go ahead, get involved, and forward it around… your friends will thank you!

Visit to watch this short film.


Aikido was founded by Morihei Ueshiba (1883-1969), who gained the skill to control many attackers at will. He was unique in his ability to express his understanding of universal principles and laws of nature. He was also a very spiritual person who spent years in study, prayer and contemplation.

This is a martial art of Peace that develops in us an acute awareness of our surrounding environment, the ability to be calm, focused, relaxed and centred. Millions of Aikido practitioners around the World experience the positive benefits of... Aikido - The Way of Harmony

Harmony of Mind-Body-Spirit at the Aikido Health Centre



Like many martial arts classes, aikido can be found in most town's and city's around the world. However, tracking down a good aikido instructor can be a real challenge.

You may well be training with an instructor for many years to come, so it is very important to do some serious research before you begin your training programme.

Choosing the right Aikido Instructor is one of the most important decisions you can make, and what you decide will be a Fast-Track to success or lead to a blocked path.

There are lots of points you will want to think about, and the following are the main questions you may wish to consider...

1 - How long has the instructor been training, and what is their rank?

2 - Have they completed an aikido instructor training course?

3 - Who is their aikido instructor, affiliation, and governing body?

4 - Is the aikido instructor first-aid qualified?

5 - Have they had a CRB (criminal records bureau) check, or equivalent?

6 - How do they conduct their classes?

7 - What is the training and grading schedule?

8 - Do they offer access to other aikido dojo's?

9 - What is their personal background, and life experience?

10 - Do they have a Holistic approach to their teaching?

These are some of the key points you will need to look at, and please read on for my answers these questions.

You can Fast-Track your Aikido training skills and reach your peak performance levels with... The Ultimate Health & Harmony Secrets


1 - How long has the instructor been training, and what is their rank?

Answer... 7-10 years of training and 2nd Dan with a recognised organisation is the minimum you should consider enough experience.

2 - Have they completed an aikido instructor training course?

Answer... If the instructor has not taken the time to complete a recognised aikido instructor training course, then you should not consider training with them, they are not qualified to teach you.

3 - Who is their aikido instructor, affiliation, and governing body?

Answer - Find out who taught them and research (google) the background of the instructor, their instructor, and the organisation. If they do not have a solid history, it is not wise to train with them.

4 - Is the aikido instructor first-aid qualified?

Answer - If they are not, then your safety is at risk, as sometimes training accidents happen and you need protecting.

5 - Have they had a CRB (criminal records bureau) check?

Answer - You need to know if they have a criminal record, as this may affect your safety and security.

For questions 6-10 see my answers below...

Fast-Track your Aikido training skills and reach your peak performance levels... A Massive Collection and Absolute Gold-Mine of Wisdom on Health


6 - How do they conduct their aikido classes?

Answer - the classes may be very disciplined or very relaxed, or somewhere in between, as there are many different ways of teaching the art of Aikido. The main point to notice is that the students and instructors must show respect for each other. If any amount of 'bullying' takes place, and is not corrected by the instructor... leave.

7 - What is the aikido training and grading schedule?

Answer - There must be a training syllabus that you can work with, a list of techniques for each grading level. This way you will know how far along the road you are, at any given time. Many traditional classes do not have gradings below black belt, but will still have a training schedule.

8 - Does the instructor offer access to other aikido dojo's?

Answer - If visits to other dojo's and seminars are not available, be suspicious. Visits and seminars are essential to learn a variety of ideas from many different students and instructors.

9 - What is their personal background, and life experience?

Answer - An Aikido Instructor may have experience of other martial arts or self defence, this could be helpful. A more mature instructor will have more life experience and more likely to have important info to pass on to you.

10 - Do they have a Holistic approach to their teaching?

Answer - Some instructors have a more balanced approach to their aikido teaching. In other words, they are not just passing on techniques that they were taught, but also aiki principles and health and harmony issues?

Once you have mastered your techniques, you will then need to learn how to gain powerful energy and vitality. With this sort of knowledge you can really achieve your goals in Aikido... Peak Performance Levels!


Once you have made your decision on which aikido instructor to train with, you may want to begin with a short period of instruction to make sure what is offered meets your needs. It's important to allow a testing period before spending lots of time on an instructor who doesn't feel right.

Of course, if it doesn't feel right, move on to another aikido instructor who will serve your needs better. If you live in an area that doesn't allow you much choice, then you would be better off to travel further, than tolerate a poor instructor.

Thats all for this month, and dont miss next month's newsletter on how to really 'Focus Your Mind on Aikido Training' we spotlight some of the best ways to use your mind to speed your learning process... stay tuned!

Get Your Free Ecourse on Aikido, Health, and Well-being

Harmony of Mind-Body-Spirit at the Aikido Health Centre


You can live a healthy and vibrant life, by using the following tips daily...

You Are What You Breathe, Drink, Eat, Think, Feel and Do

Breathe DEEPLY and Relax.
Drink Plenty of PURE Water.
Eat ORGANIC Food and Supplements.
Focus on POSITIVE Thoughts.
Positively EXPRESS Your Feelings.
Gently STRETCH for Flexibilty.
List Your Life GOALS.
ACT on Your Plans.


This is my mini-journal - It lets you know when New web pages appear at, Keeps you up-to-date with other postings or news about Aikido and Health. Points out some of our past subjects that you might otherwise have missed... Aikido Health Blog


Top marketing guru Dr Ken Evoy gives You the Best Strategies on HOW to achieve Your financial goals and the freedom to live life to the full.

The Aikido Health Centre website was built and is maintained using Site-Build-It software and is in the Top 3% of visited websites on the Net. You can learn How to focus like a Laser-Beam and achieve Your Goals, all in one COMPLETE PACKAGE with... Site-Build-It


Continuing with the 'Aikido Success Blueprint' and focusing on the best ways for You to Fast-Track your Aikido Skills towards self-mastery. You will learn how to achieve Your peak performance levels. The coming newsletters will focus in depth on the following subjects...

Choose Your Aikido Instructor, Focus Your Mind On Aikido Training, Accumulating Aikido Techniques, Analyzing Aikido Posture and Form, Studying and Using Aikido Principles, Summary of Aikido Success Blueprint.

These are the main areas we will be spotlighting in this series, but many other important issues will also be covered, so stay tuned and buckle up for a fascinating ride!

Coming Soon 2009... A Series based on 'Your Questions' You ask me questions regarding Aikido, Health, Alternative Health, Spirituality etc. and I will do my very best to answer them. So the ball will be in your court... what do YOU want to know? - Stay Tuned!


'Harmony of Mind-Body-Spirit' is a KEY to your success. Learn how to tap into your inner powers and experience incredible levels of Energy and Health. Knowledge is Power! Visit to subscribe.


Do YOU have Comments, Ideas, Testimonials, Positive or Negative Feedback ? We'd love to hear from You <> as Your opinion is Important to us, so please tell us what YOU think... Contact Form

Peace & Harmony

Tony Wilden - Aikido Instructor/Healer
Aikido Health Centre Website
Optimum Health Secrets/Harmony Ebooks
Directed Arun Aikido Club 1992-2007

P.S. Don't forget to grab Your copy of my NEW Optimum Health Secrets Exe Ebook, at a very special price... an absolute Bargain! Plus 3 FREE Harmony Ebook Bonuses... You Really don't want to miss this One!

Tony Wilden is an Aikido Instructor and qualified in several Healing Arts.
He has a deep interest in spiritual matters, optimum health, environmental issues, and the creation of harmony between people and nature. Tony is on a path to wisdom, freedom and power and shares his insights on aikido, health, universal principles, ancient knowledge and master strategies.

The information provided in Harmony of Mind-Body-Spirit is for educational purposes and not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any dis-ease. It should not replace the advice of your health advisor or GP.

(c) October 2008 - Aikido Health Centre - All Rights Reserved
98 Linden Road, Bognor Regis, West Sussex PO21 2BD UK

Harmony of Mind-Body-Spirit from the Aikido Health Centre

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Glowing Health!

Tony Wilden

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