Unique Yoga Stretching
Flexibility of Mind & Body
Balances Energy Centres!

Yoga is one of the oldest practices in the world. It provides a system of physical/mental discipline to improve strength and flexibility, while calming the mind and relieving stress.

This promotes well-being through body postures and concentrated breathing. Zen is often included to silence the mind and improve concentration.

Hatha yoga deals with the physical, an excellent foundation to build upon. A sound, strong, healthy body is necessary for you to do your best work and study.

Daily practise is recommended to improve your health.

Using mantras & chants you achieve balance and harmony with nature. Yoga has become very popular in the West for its spiritual aspects and relaxing effects.

It has been used to control pain, stress, and related illness.

There are several branches and the best known are...

Hatha, Raja, Karma, Gnani.

When confronted with a choice of methods, ask yourself what is the natural way to a healthy body? There your answers will be found!

Your body is the temple for your soul or spirit. It is important that you look after it to experience relaxation, stress relief, vitality, concentration,  willpower, self-confidence, awareness, clarity, creative insight, inner peace.

Optimum Health Secrets offers you a massive gold-mine of wisdom. It shows you how to balance your energy centres, and experience glowing health!

The Science of Yoga
and the Seven Principles

Click to Download Free Stretching Tips!

Simple stretching can be used to increase your flexibility, and help prevent training injuries. Here's what you can learn by studying yoga...

1 - The physical body is the temple of spirit and should be cared for.  Your body should be in good health and trained to obey the orders of the mind.

2 - The astral body is known to ancient people and composed of matter of a finer quality and its exact counterpart, it can be separated under certain conditions.

3 - Prana is universal energy and found in all forms of life. It is used in magnetic healing, mental healing, absent treatment etc. Prana can be increased and transferred by willpower for healing using the breath.

4 - The instinctive mind carries out essential work of repair, replace, change, digestion, assimilation, elimination, breathing, below conscious plane. This is where your animal spirit comes from and must be controlled by the intellect.

5 - Intellect distinguishes man from beast and brings reason, logic and willpower. A mental awakening of self consciousness, allows higher nature to be on guard.

6 - The spiritual mind is the super-conscious mind and many people are aware of a higher 'something within' which leads to noble thoughts, desires, aspirations, deeds, kindness, humanity, justice, and mercy etc.

7 - Spirit is the divine spark, your inheritance from the divine power. A drop from the spiritual ocean, a grain of sand from the shores of the infinite, a particle of the sacred flame, and harmony of God.

Yoga Burn exercise is excellent for health and well-being... recommended! 

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